Creating a successful, repeatable sales process in your organization is the holy grail for sales managers. However, seasoned executives know that what works for one salesperson may not work for another.
So, how do you create an effective, systematic playbook for a sales team with varying strengths, backgrounds, and capabilities? More importantly, how do you do this without overcomplicating everything?
To answer this loaded question, I spoke with Mike Simmons of Catalyst Sale.
Mike explained how the best sales managers approach sales as a “thinking process” vs. a “doing process.”
Mike shared tips on how sales managers can break down their sales process into smaller parts so that their team can solve customers’ complex problems with simple solutions.
We also discussed:
- Can a good salesperson teach their successful method to another salesperson?
- Do sales scripts work?
- How do you use a “thinking process” to manage your sales team?
- How has the sales manager’s role changed in 2020 (as more and more sales teams become remote)?
- What is the most important skill an effective sales leader should have?
- Do successful salespeople make great sales managers?
- How can coaching youth sports teach you about sales leadership?
- What are the biggest challenges faced today by mid-career/experienced sales leaders?
- Are sales playbooks interchangeable between organizations or industries?
- What questions should you ask a prospective salesperson joining your team about the sales process of their former company?
- How can you build an effective sales framework for your company?
- What are the right questions to ask your salespeople in order to build a successful sales playbook for your team?
- How can you set the right sales goals for your company (both at the organization and individual level)?
- How do you know if your revenue goal is realistic for your team?
- What role does structure play in hitting your sales revenue goals?
- How can you create clarity in your sales process?
- How can sales managers accurately target their ideal customers?
Learn more about Mike and his work by connecting with him on LinkedIn or by checking out his podcast.
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