Sales Process Optimization & Automation Tips To Increase Revenue

Episode #4: How to Convert Website Visitors Into Leads

Written by Josh Paul | Jan 10, 2017 7:36:24 PM

Your ability to turn websites visitors into leads is the foundation of your growth plan. In this area, small marketing teams need to work smarter, not harder.

Once you've gotten found by your target audience, it's time to start building relationships. List building and lead generation make up the foundation of every small business' marketing strategy.

In this episode of the Pipeline Ops podcast, I’ll discuss the anatomy of a good marketing offer and how to start generating leads.

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Before we dive into that, this episode starts with my advice on crushing your next marketing job interview. Whether you're trying to land your first internship or your first job out of college, I've got some real-world tips.

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(9:04) You landed your dream marketing job! Here's how to kill it on your first day.

Postpone some of the introductions to co-workers. Instead, introduce yourself to the company's marketing funnel.

Take the time to learn and map the marketing funnel that is already in place. Ask those hard-hitting questions and crunch the numbers to create a strong roadmap. By the end of your first day, you should know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses lie.

(11:05) Stop asking everyone to take a demo.

Your visitors have come to your website with different goals in mind. You can’t ignore those people that aren’t quite ready to buy. You need to build relationships with those researchers.

Any good relationship is all about communication, so you’re going to need to start with permission to communicate. How do you get their email? The same way that you got their visit – with helpful content.

(15:01) Let's talk forms.

Like any new relationship, we don’t want to come on too strong or over-eager. I've got tips on toeing the line between trusted friend and creepy stalker when it comes to building forms. Conversions are all about a careful balance of perceived value and earned trust.

You'll even learn how progressive profiling can help you shorten or add depth to your current forms.

(17:48) Back to the bait.

Ebooks, guides, reports and executive summaries, oh my! It’s important to consider the perceived value against the time that it will take you to create the digital asset.

There are two strategies to creating offers: list building and lead generation. The distinction between the two is the offer itself, what it takes to create the offer, and the next step for the lead once converted.

(24:20) Fight the instinct to put your shiny new offer on your homepage or product pages.

It’s not all about those traffic numbers when it comes to placing your call to action. Here are some reasons why you should avoid those pages and some suggestions on where to place your best top-of-the-funnel marketing offers.

Once you master the art of the offer, you're ready for offer inception. An offer inside of an offer is another great way to pull your leads further down the funnel.

(29:10) Don’t mix and match your content.

You want to be careful that you continue to give your leads the right next steps. Mixing and matching content that doesn’t directly fit their needs can turn them away.

(31:29) That's a wrap!

A quick wrap-up on everything that was covered.  The steps and tools you’ll need to start bringing home the leads. I've also got some homework for you action-takers and a special gift.

Next week, I'll discuss how to turn your leads into paying customers. How do you pull that lead all the way down the funnel? Answers will be in your podcast feed next week!