Sales Process Optimization & Automation Tips To Increase Revenue

Episode #14: The Counterintuitive Approach To B2B Lead Nurturing That is Getting Big Results for Marketers

Written by Josh Paul | Nov 28, 2017 9:37:02 AM

Your Inbox Proves That Most Marketers Are not as Savvy as They Think When it Comes to Lead Nurturing

Before you read any further, scroll through your inbox and look at all of the emails that you have not yet opened. A large portion of them are lead nurturing emails from companies that you have interacted with in the past.

While these businesses think they are striking the right tone, providing the right value, and getting the right message in front of you at the right time, they are really just getting ignored.

Don't let Inbox Amnesia Plague Your Lead Nurturing Strategy

The problem is that many of us forget about those soon-to-be-deleted emails when it is time to develop our own lead nurturing strategy. We create jargon-filled emails with boring calls to action and drip them out over 2-3 months. Just like the emails that you ignored, your lead nurturing emails are also not getting opened or clicked.

How to Create a Modern, More Human Lead Nurturing Plan

In this episode of the Pipeline Ops podcast, I’ll walk you through a different approach to lead nurturing that has yielded much higher engagement rates than traditional lead nurturing campaigns. This simple, zero-cost mindset shift means extra thinking upfront, but it pays off when leads respond to your emails, read your messages, and click on the next opportunity you present to them.

Listen to the Full Podcast Episode in iTunes or Below

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