Sales Process Optimization & Automation Tips To Increase Revenue

How to Optimize Your Sales Process by Flipping It Upside-Down

Written by Josh Paul | Mar 19, 2020 12:07:00 PM

Every company strives for more sales. The “holy grail” is a repeatable sales process that results in consistent and predictable growth.

The problem is many companies don't know the winning formula behind their current sales. While deals are being closed, many sales executives don't fully understand which parts of their sales process work in terms of messaging, process, and cadence. 

This is a roadblock to both implementing a successful sales process and improving their current sales tactics. 

If your company is still in business, that means you are making sales. However, bringing in sales does not mean:

  • You understand why you are winning business.
  • You are maximizing your business with the strongest process possible.
  • You can replicate that sales success across your company.

Often, it’s a perpetual trial and error cycle that frustrates everyone - from your sales team, to your executives, and all the way down to your customers. 

Luckily, consistent sales doesn’t have to be an elusive unicorn for your company. 

Would you like your sales process to be a well-oiled machine that you can rely on as you scale your company?

In the following video and article, we’ll share our number one secret for turning your sales process into a repeatable sales engine.


Why Your Current Sales Process Might Lead to Fewer Sales

Let’s begin by explaining where a lot of companies hamstring their sales growth without even knowing it. While you may be closing sales, the following approach could be the reason your sales growth has not accelerated at the rate at which you want it to. 

Most companies start with a product and take that product to the market where they see a fit. They pick their messaging, channels, pricing, and then they build a sales strategy based on all these important factors. 

Once their sales strategy is complete, the company presents their product to prospective customers. They say, “Here's my product, here’s why you should buy it, and here's why you need it.” 

While this is the model that most companies follow, it often results in losing deals to the status quo and longer sales cycles. 

How to Increase Sales by Reversing Your Sales Strategy

Hitting your prospective customers over the head with your company’s messaging is noise to your buyers, exhausting to your salespeople, and frustrating to your company executives. 

Instead, take that company-first mentality and flip it around completely! 

We’ve found the best way to create a scalable engine that gets more leads to turn into sales is by building it around your customer first. As cliche as “putting the customer first” may sound, it’s the approach that we’ve seen work across clients in multiple industries. 

Here is how to put this approach into action to optimize your sales process:

Step 1: Get Inside Your Buyer’s Head

Start with asking yourself and your team how your product or service fits into your customers’ lives:

  • What are the factors that are going to make this a no-brainer for the largest pool of people as possible? 
  • What do the customers need? 
  • What do they want? 
  • How can you deliver this? 

Step 2: Make Your Product or Service Easy to Sell

Now, take that customer-centric messaging and those value propositions and make it easy for your salespeople to deliver that value. 

Give your sales team the tools, process, efficiency, and sales enablement framework to be able to get that message into the hands and ears of as many people as possible.

Step 3: Worry About Your Company Strategy Last

In your updated sales model, your company comes last. It takes discipline, but you need to trust that if you start with meeting your buyers where they are, your company sales goals will be achieved. 

First, you need to find the path of least resistance to aligning your solution with your prospective buyer’s mindset and problems. Once you have outlined that path, your next step is to make it as easy as possible for your sales team to handle as many leads, create as many deals, and close as many sales as possible. 

After you’ve made your product’s value clear to customers and made selling as easy as possible for your sales reps, your company’s priorities will fall into place. 

Sales Process Takeaway

Remember, sales growth starts with your customer’s priorities, not your company’s strategy. Solve their most pervasive problem and then give your sales team an efficient sales system for providing that value over and over again. 

If you can prioritize these goals in this order, your company’s sales strategy will be the foundation of a reliable growth engine for your company. If you don’t flip your company-centric sales approach on its head, be ready to continue to encounter friction and frustration from buyers and your sales organization.